Pega and Lloyds TSB


Regular client, Pegasystems US commissioned us to set up and shoot a Q&A for their annual get together, Pega World.

With limited time, Raphael and Juan (pictured above), did a first class job getting through an in-depth Q&A session discussing Pega’s offering and how it integrates with Lloyds TSB. You can see the finished film here.

Camera and sound team were extremely professional adapting to last minute changes to location…blame the producer !


Moorfield investor films


We worked with the Moorfield Group to develop and implement a series of videos describing their history, skillset and ambitions in the commercial real estate sector.

Over the last 15 years Moorfield have raised many hundreds of millions for a series of real estate funds. They have used these transform and invigorate various commercial real estate sectors.

Working closely with Marc Gilbard, Charles Ferguson Davie and Holley Caton we developed and filmed four scripts.


SO Resi and MTVH


Collaborating with the team at Agenda Design we worked with the MTVH and SO Resi team to craft this promotional film that uses the personal stories of their clients to explain the life changing impact of buying your home through shared ownership.

It’s easy to be critical/sceptical of these sorts of videos but as the person on set interviewing some of the SO Resi residents, it was clear that the feelings were strong, authentic and positive.


Sadiq Khan at Wimbledon

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Out with Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, again. This time at Wimbledon. Although the tournament is closed it was the perfect location to bring together some of London’s key workers who have so valiantly seen the capital through the first wave of the Covid pandemic.

It was a great day and the mayor encouraged these key workers to keep going as we aren’t out of the woods yet.